• Revenue Sharing

    Use your venue space to increase revenue for your business.

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    Options to fit any need!

    Timberland Amusement continues to provide the highest quality and greatest selection of coin-operated services available in the marketplace. Timberland focuses on maximizing your income in areas our competition leaves to chance. We're known not only for providing the hottest video games, but we also investment in the latest technologies for your favorite amusement standards. The coin-operated games offered by Timberland Amusement draw in customers to play. They offer an entertainment option that converts wait time into fun and stimulates incremental spending. Your share of the revenues generally far surpasses the average net profit percentage you traditionally generate through your normal business sales because there is no overhead, labor or capital costs to consider- only profits.

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    There is no cost to you for equipment, installation, or maintenance service and parts. You can choose from space-efficient games such as Ms.Pacman/Galaga, Golden Tee Golf, Buck Hunter, to multi-player games such as Crusin Exotica, Fast-n-Furious Toyko Drift, to exciting recreational action simulators such as Dance Dance or Guitar Hero. You can also chose merchandizing games that provide your customers the opportunity to win prizes instantly. Please contact us for more information. We look forward to turning your space into profits for you.